This is our June event we will be hitting the highways and heading cross country to travel across France winding our way round and we hope that you can join us for this drive.

Slot 1 – les tresors des belges

Slot 2 – Bruijn Logistics

Slot 3 – Pink Ribbon VTC

Slot 4 – Hej!

Slot 5 – Yorkshire Haulage

Slot 6 -RTLVTC

Slot 7 – TDHCave Logistics

Slot 8 – Stride Haulage

Slot 9 – Spark Logistics

Slot 10 – Skyline Transport

Slot 13 – Twisted Transport

Slot 14 – BVAR Trucking

Slot 15 – Global Trucking

Slot 16 – Central Transport

Slot 17 – Traileros Latinos